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The most complete platform for learning and teaching technology!

Discover BitbloqEverything both teachers and students need!

Free tools

Free tools

Programming tools, robotics, 3D design and developing mobile apps.

Free resources

Free resources

Ready-to-use activities to use in class with your students and tutorials to take your first steps.

Classroom management

By subscription

Classroom management

Enjoy a complete classroom management system with the Teaching Plan, designed specifically for using Bitbloq in class.

Fácil acceso

Fácil acceso

Sin registro del alumnado y 100% online (¡sin instalar nada!)

Compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OSX devices with Chrome browser and ChromeBooks.

What can you do with Bitbloq?

Programming robotics!

Bitbloq Robotics Jr


Make your first steps in robotics with easy and intuitive block programming.

Bitbloq Robotics


Program your inventions with blocks and learn the basic programming concepts.

Bitbloq Robotics Adv


Get started with code with Arduino®. Create your first programs and bring your robots to life.

3D Design

Bitbloq 3D | Beta


Discover 3D, learn geometry and turn your ideas into designs.

Application development

Bitbloq Apps


Start designing and programming your own apps for Android®, iOS® or PC.

You can use Bitbloq without signing up. In order to save your documents online, please create an account.

Start creating with Bitbloq now!

Proyecto "Roberto de Marte" en Bitbloq Robotics y Apps.

Para profundizar

Roberto de Marte

Proyecto "Concurso de preguntas" en Bitbloq Robotics

Para profundizar

Concurso de preguntas

Proyecto "Detector de intrusos con Bitbloq Robotics Jr"

Para iniciarse

¡Detector de intrusos!

Proyecto "Cazacosas espaciales" con Bitbloq Apps

Para profundizar

Cazacosas espaciales

Proyecto "Dispositivo adivino con Bitbloq App"

Para iniciarse

El dispositivo adivino

Proyecto "Girasol robótico" con Bitbloq Robotics Jr

Para iniciarse

Girasol robótico

Proyecto Ruleta de Pruebas con Bitbloq Robotics Jr

Para iniciarse

Ruleta de pruebas

Imagen del proyecto "Bitbloq Elevens" en Bitbloq Robotics Advance.

Para profundizar

Bitbloq Elevens

Proyecto "Mi personaje tridimensional" en Bitbloq 3D

Para iniciarse

Mi personaje tridimensional

Proyecto "Ciudad en 3D" realizado con Bitbloq 3D

Para iniciarse

Construye tu ciudad en 3D

Imagen del proyecto "Mano robótica" en Bitbloq Robotics

Para iniciarse

Mano robótica

Teach with BitbloqTeaching Plan

Enjoy easy classroom management, exclusive functionalities, priority access to all the latest updates and many more advantages. Without any permanence.

  • Easy classroom management for an unlimited number of students and non-simultaneous classes.

  • Student access to a personal space for their assignments through codes, with no downloads or registrations.

  • Exclusive functionalities and priority access to the latest developments.

  • Free access for you and your students to program boards such as Arduino UNO.

  • Direct support from the Bitbloq team.

Annual subscription:


VAT excluded
Monthly subscription:


VAT excluded

Do you already have the Teaching Plan?Start teaching now!

1. Share with your students the classroom code.

2. They should click on the "Enter your classroom" button ( on the top menu).

3. All they have to do is enter the code and click on "Enter".


Interactive, digital, smart book platform! Teach technology, digitalization and computing subjects in a different way. What does Bitbloq SmartBooqs have to offer? Everything you need!

  • Digital books 100% aligned with the education law with editable content.

  • A complete classroom management system.

  • Additional resources to facilitate teaching.

They already teach with Bitbloq!

What do Bitbloq teachers say about it?

It is a very complete solution with an huge educational potential for teachers. It allows us to manage classes, activities and evaluation in a simplified way and without the need for students to register.

Miguel Ángel López - Robotics and programming program coordinator at Fomento Aldovea College and Fomento Aldeafuente College.

Bitbloq is what we need in our classroom. As a technology teacher and robotics enthusiast, it's a tool I've seen grow since the very beginning. It is user-friendly and very practical for students and teachers and lowers the entrance barrier to educational robotics. But the best part is that it never stops improving and adapting to the classroom needs.

Manuel Jesús Carrasco - Head of the Science Department of Sagrada Familia College

Bitbloq is essential to work on our projects with the students. It is a tool that is always optimizing and improving and we value the effort it takes to get it up and running.

Antonio Martinez - Junior Engineering School Director (Mindlab)

Bitbloq is the perfect tool to use in the classroom or for your own projects. It helps you to learn programming and allows you to create, build and transfer programs from a browser, without drivers and without installing anything else.

Alberto Gilsanz - Coordinator of pedagogical innovation and TAC of San José Jesuitas Schools

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